Prayer Message Update from the Hong Kong Police Force Enoch Christian Fellowship (the Enoch Fellowship)
1. Given the impact of the novel coronavirus, Hong Kong’s overall focus is shifted to the prevention of the pandemic and the purchase of surgical masks such that the social problems caused by the movement against the Fugitive Offenders Ordinance have calmed down. Although there are still scattered demonstrations and conflicts, law enforcers in Hong Kong including those in the Hong Kong Police Force (HKPF), under God’s providence, were able to handle them quickly without much difficulty.
2. Hong Kong is facing a more severe challenge than SARS happened 17 years ago. In addition to the HKPF, all disciplined services, social workers, etc. have to handle escorts such as isolation of sick patients and/or their family members. Recently, at least several coronavirus cases of police officers and their family members have been confirmed.
3. Enoch Fellowship is affected by the pandemic in which group meetings are suspended while divisions and Police Quarters are still maintaining gathering on a limited scale. Therefore, the Fellowship has made adaptive move to telephone counseling, WhatsApp greetings, Zoom Bible study, etc. as well as the sharing of biblical message via mp4 format. The theme is: ‘12 Traits of Leaders’, a weekly compilation, thereby maintaining the relationship between brothers and sisters. Also, it promotes “Blessings Every Day” in various districts impelling brothers and sisters to encourage each other in different forms. The response is encouraging and divine grace is seen every day.
4. Thanks to the Lord, the Fellowship hosted the first of the five evangelistic meetings in January this year with 180 officers attended and 12 of whom decided to follow / return to Christ. Because of the pandemic, the second evangelistic meeting is now postponed to July. Please pray in earnest for more police officers to return to the Lord!
5. As per previous years, the Fellowship will also hold five evangelistic meetings in the Hong Kong Police College this year. The first one was held in January with several attendees decided to accept Christ as their saviors but the second one, scheduled for March, is now cancelled due to the pandemic. Please remember Enoch Fellowship in your prayer that God shall open up new road such that each gathering will be attended by more than 100 police recruits for gospel sake.
Thank the Lord for His help. In January, we published “The Police Officers Who Walked with God – Part III”, which was given to colleagues who attended the evangelistic meeting. Brothers and sisters were also happy to buy it for their colleagues. May God use the new publication for His glory! Amen.
(Updated as of 2020-04-10) Contributed by Rev. HUI Shuk-fun & translated by Joseph AU)