Prayer Message 2021-11-20

Greeting and Prayer Message from the Enoch Fellowship of Hong Kong

Seasonal greeting from the Hong Kong Police Force Christian Enoch Fellowship (the Enoch Fellowship). As Christmas is looming, brothers and sisters of the Fellowship would like to extend our warm wishes and best regards from Hong Kong to all members of the ICPF and their family members. We wish you a joyful and healthy Christmas with abundant God’s blessing particularly amid the global pandemic of COVID-19. Below are some prayer items from the Fellowship.

  1. The year of 2021 is a year of God’s blessing and miracle experienced by the Enoch Fellowship. In order to extend our horizon and boundary for the sake of the Gospel, the Board and all ministerial staff plan to expand the site of the Enoch Fellowship by purchasing a new site but without any funding nor the support of any mortgage from the bank. With all the dedication of the brothers and sisters, we did it. God is present here. We testify in our bodies that He is the Lord of all things, and nothing is impossible with Him! Thanks God!
  2. For the Enoch Fellowship from January 23 this year, despite the severe epidemic, it has established a Saturday adult worship service, which is carried out by online Zoom. After the relaxation on gatherings, physical and online services have begun in April.  On May 1, the children’s worship service was also established, and the youth worship service was held on September 4 too. The total number of people attending the three services is over 100 each week. Thank the Lord for connecting us. In the past 40 years, the Enoch Fellowship can only be together once or twice a year. Today, it has become a whole. Worship has become a platform for follow-up after evangelism. Pastoral care will be given to brothers and siters in more than 60 different Districts and groups. Thanks the Lord for the connection and the strengthening of our sense of “oneness”!
  3. Following the Rally Evangelism in 2020, five District evangelistic meetings will be held in Hong Kong, Kowloon and New Territories in 2022 to actively spread the Gospel to police colleagues. The responsible brother / sister of the five Districts have been invited to set up a preparatory committee to set the timing and venue, and set up various teams such as worship team, reception team, chat and cultivation team, etc. Members of the Enoch Fellowship love to share the Gospel and they do not forget the original intention of establishing the Fellowship 40 years ago! Thanks God!
  4. The fourth evangelistic meeting of the Enoch Fellowship this year will be held on December 11. May the Lord touch the Fellowship to involve and invite police colleagues and their family members to get to know Jesus and share eternal life!

(Part of the new site purchased next the current sit of the Enoch Fellowship on the same floor)

(Board of the ministerial staff)